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Welcome to http://grabbingthebrightestar.blogspot.com
Thursday, November 18, 2010Y

I just realised everybody has abandoned their blogs. I have too. haha

Grad day tmr, grad night next Mon...

Wow quite busy...busy in a fun way...went to shop for dress for prom today...it was quite fruitful.

Oh i think im squeezing my brain juices TO THINK OF STH TO WRITE on my blog. i shall post when I have more things to tok abt...anw, i think everybody has lost their interest in blogging. Now is the facebook era...

Anw, bejeweled is really very fun...k la , eurona, i admit it...:)

ends at 9:56 PM

Monday, September 20, 2010Y

Yeah, I know my blog is very dead...

Life is the same...Prelim 2 is over and O levels is 35 days away, if I din rmb wrongly...My mum's birthday is over and she is extremely pleased wif the present my brother and I bought for her. Yeah! Went for Mid-autumn and the performances were good...

And I lost sth again....this time, my thumbdrive....DIE.....There are so many important things in it....This time I'm really dead....DEAD....

Omg, classes are really gonna end soon....Im so gonna miss 402 (I'm so going to SWENSENS)....LOL....I just spammed a lot of pics on the class blog...

Thumbdrive, thumdrive, thumbdrive, thumbdrive, thumdrive...
Oh where, oh where can it be?

I shall write on a paper where I keep everything, oh dat sounds a bit insane....What if I lose that piece of paper?....OH....I THINK i HAVE STM.....like yating...DIE....

ends at 1:57 PM

Friday, August 6, 2010Y

Wow, how suay i am? I think I'm having the second stomach flu attack within five months, the vomiting and diarrhoea trauma....WTH....

On a lighter note, frisbee today was fabulous, I din know it was dat fun....oh and the birthday song thing....402 ROCKS, 402 has CHARACTER, has BRAINS, is a SMART class... we walked away and sang the chinese version of the birthday song, expressed our anger unanimously plus a lot of things dat happened today,for these, i really can't help feeling fortunate to be in such a bonded and "with undying spirit" class...yeah, i know the undying spirit things sounds exaggerating...anw, I'm sure that leaving this class is gonna be my biggest reluctance when i graduate....

haiz....everything has a start and an end, what's most important is that you cherished the process and I think I did and I'm happy for dat.....

Anw, Happy brithday Shermine! 2 days later...(if u r reading this)

ends at 8:44 PM

Monday, July 12, 2010Y

I know that I shouldn't be up till so late, but my dad and my bro have influenced me wif this World Cup frenzy...TREMENDOUSLY!!!...I seriously hope Paul's prediction is right...

Anw, I heard from the news that some scientists said dat paul kept choosing the box wif germany's flag as it likes food that is red, black or yellow, which are germany's flag's colours and when the box is put beside the box wif spain's flag, it chose spain as the logo on spain's flag looks like two prawns....wow, it sounds logical and intelligent to me...ANW,I hope SPAIN WINS!

BTW, yating "leave the pieces" is nice, i hope it is not gonna get stucked in my head, not for now.....

ends at 1:31 AM

Tuesday, June 15, 2010Y

Pardon my laziness to not blog. Haha, Im so inspired by Joy to continue blogging seeing dat she has been consistently updating her blog recently.

Played basketball wif 402 peeps today. Tremendous fun. (i shall refrain from saying "damn" fun since "damn" sounds vulgar too!) I must thank zhiyuan for teaching me how to shoot in from the side. Oh, and we played "bullet". I took very ( refraining from saying "damn" again) long to understand the game's rules. Anw, I saw somebody who looks like ruixiang and somebody who looks like mengyeow, although the rest din agree wif my views.

Anw, I have been down on bad luck since my stomach flu. But it has become better recently. Bad luck due to the fact dat I lost my important books. I found my physics file eventually but unfortunately, for my HCL bao zhang bao dao book, I din find it and had to buy a new one. I think i lose (or nearly lose) sth everyday.

Well, shiying says that Im superstitious to believe dat Im down on bad luck, so I shall stop thinking so. Ah, shiying is so bad. The basketball court is just downstairs her house and she dun wanna come down and join us tdy.......>.<

ends at 7:43 PM

Friday, May 28, 2010Y

HA, Yating kept on saying I din blog, so here I am....

sports carnival, not bad, I guess I was quite violent when I played...after dat, a few of us played bball. It was extremely fun, maybe because I suddenly felt that I improved much in my shooting skills since last time yongtao calls me butter fingers. Oh, and I seriously hope self-esteem injections exist on Earth, so dat I can give some to gina....

Ate lunch, discussed abt photo montage and went suay's house after dat. Watched shrek 3 though I din watch much since I was bathing and helping gina in the montage tho my IT skills are pathetic and I dunno how to help. Maybe I helped her in making her confident of herself, but on second thoughts, I din cos she still wasn't confident of myself no matter how long I counselled her.

deer(yating) came to do Bio project wif me. She purposely gobbled down her food to prove to my mum dat she eats fast cos I always tell my mum I have a friend who I have to wait for 10 mins after I finished my food for her to finish during recess everyday. She inroduced a game on miniclips and kept sniggerring at me playing it cos I was really bad at it. Anw, yating no more SOUR skittles for me next time, my mouth still hurts from the sour-ness. I officially announce dat I hate sour-ness! Sweet skittles for me if anybody is gonna buy it for me...lol....

Anw, I grew 2 cm....three cheers and three cheers and three cheers for my height, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray! Yeah! I think it is basketball dat helped me lol....hope the basketball court downstairs will be completed soon.

ends at 10:24 PM

Wednesday, May 26, 2010Y


All the best for the sports carnival tmr! :)

ends at 11:50 PM